Wherever NOX arrives, all eyes and cameras will be focused on him. An assortment of our references:

Ministry of Economy and Technology rewards NOX
The project of an event robot was honored by the Ministry of Economy and Technology and rewarded with the “Exist Startup-Scholarship”.(Förderzeitraum 10/09 – 09/10). For customers a robot as marketing tool for exhibitions und corporate events embodies an experienceable grade of innovation.

NW-News: The undisputed star of the evening was surely Nox the Robot
“Wherever the 2,40 m tall show-robot appears, it magically will gather the attention of grownup and young bystanders. The 20 minutes lasting show starts ritually with the spectacular arrival of NOX on his car and mobile charging station. Supported by epic sounding music the metallic high-tech-colossus gets alive. His first movements might seem a bit angular, but soon NOX unfolds is true greatness, turing to hip-hop beats from “Black Eyed Peas” and searching for LED-eyecontact with his fans.”

PZ video-desk: „…the most photographed star of the afternoon was „NOX the Robot“. The – by the University of Pforzheim codeveloped – worldwide tallest event robot.“